

AVARD has links with several national organisations connected with voluntary action and rural development in India; relations with Central, State and local governments and various governmental organizations connected with rural development; links with the Commonwealth Foundation, London; is member of regional coalitions – Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC), Manila, South Asia Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (SANGO), Islamabad and South Asian Fraternity (SAF), New Delhi.


  • Long standing, glorious legacy, rich experience and rare expertise
  • value-based voluntary action and functioning, good image, secular Gandhian persuasion, transformative approach and well set focus on disadvantaged sections;
  • wide-ranging live contacts from grassroot to global level;
  • unique meaningful conceptual frameworks of voluntary action and networking;
  • sustained dynamism through policy and practive of change with continuity; and so on, so forth.

Way Forward:

AVARD would continue to strive for realizing its vision through well-planned participatory processes, programmes, activities and projects with far greater vigour and deeper commitment and hence would welcome partnerships and support in its noble ‘quest for freedom (swaraj)’ for the common people.